Filipinos are known around the world for our love in music and entertainment that's why it's not surprising that many foreigners dubbed our country as the home of talented people. Well, we are not just talented but we are also good on giving sensual performance without even exerting any effort, just like this one. Meet Mark Agpas, the Filipino contestant who gave 'hot flushes' to a female judge during his audition in a German talent search show.
It's given that Mark has the distinct husky voice of a rockstar but what made him special is that his voice has the power to seduce women without trying.
As Mark sings "Ain't No Sunshine", almost all the shot were focused to the blonde female judge watching over every reaction she made which were nothing but pure captivation to the Filipino singer. Not to mention, she already started using her card as a fan just few seconds after Mark began to sing.
There were even few moments when the judge groan as she listens to Mark. At the end of his performance, the famale judge admitted that she got turned on with Mark's voice. The Filipino singer felt very pleased at the same time a bit awkward with the judge's remark.
Mark passed the audition and brought home four positive marks from all the judges and of course the unforgettable remark from the female judge. As mentioned in the video's description, Mark Agpas is a half Igorot and half cebuano.
Meanwhile, netizens also found Mark's performance sensual which was further enhanced by his bad boy look inspired by Philippines bad boy action star Robin Padilla. You may see it on the source below:
Source: Youtube
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